Baldwin County Car Accident Attorney

Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Representing Alabama Car Accident Victims

A car crash can be a traumatic experience and have long-term emotional and financial consequences for those involved. Whit Thomas, an experienced Foley auto accident lawyer, can provide you with the legal representation you need in the aftermath of a collision. With over three decades of legal experience, our practice can help you hold the careless parties responsible for their actions. Please give us a call to see how we can help you and your family.

Establishing Liability for a Car Accident

Collisions can occur for a variety of reasons, including speeding, distracted driving, drunk driving, swerving, reckless driving, poor weather conditions, unsafe lane changes, and many others. In some cases, a car accident can have multiple causes.

If you or someone close to you has been injured in a car crash, you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries and any costs associated with the accident. Under Alabama law, the victim of a car accident can sue the at-fault party under the theory of negligence.

To succeed on a negligence claim, the victim must prove the following four elements:

  1. The defendant owed the victim a duty of reasonable care;

  2. The defendant breached his or her duty of care by driving carelessly;

  3. The defendant’s violation caused the accident; and

  4. The victim suffered injuries or damages as a result of the accident.

Exercising reasonable care means acting as a reasonably prudent person would in the same or similar circumstances. It is a standard of care owed to others in society. For example, car drivers speeding or swerving excessively would breach their duty of care to others on the road. A speeding driver who causes an accident may be held liable for any injuries or damages that ensue.

In Alabama, you have two years from the date of the crash to file a claim for personal injury or property damage to your vehicle. It is critical to file within that time, or you may lose your right to have a court hear the case.

Deadly Car Crashes in Alabama

Car accident victims can suffer serious injuries or even be killed. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that there were 865 traffic fatalities in the state of Alabama in 2012, more than half of which were passenger fatalities. According to the report, 272 of these were related to speeding. Alcohol was involved or suspected in 257 fatalities. The rate of traffic fatalities has remained largely consistent over the past three years.

Recovering Compensation for a Vehicle Collision

Unfortunately, sometimes an accident is only the beginning of a long and difficult road to recovery. The expenses can quickly add up. Once a victim establishes liability, he or she can recover damages from the party whose carelessness or wrongdoing harmed the victim. Damages may include lost wages, medical expenses, future medical expenses including the cost of rehabilitation or medication costs, pain and suffering, property damage to the vehicle, and any other costs arising from the accident.

If a family member was killed in a fatal car accident, you may be eligible to bring a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible party. If you think you may have a valid wrongful death claim, it is important to consult an experienced Alabama attorney who can help assess the merits of your case.

Finding a Competent Car Crash Lawyer in Alabama

As a seasoned Foley car accident attorney, Whit Thomas gets to know each client. He takes special care to learn every aspect of your case so that he can represent you effectively. With many years of experience in personal injury law, our practice has helped countless car accident victims. Whether your case is big or small, we want to help. We provide caring service to clients while vigorously representing their legal interests. We serve clients in Foley as well as throughout South Alabama. Please give us a call or reach us online to arrange a free consultation today.

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